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Getting a Custom Workout Plan is Now as Easy as Using a Dishwasher

In May, I used a Google Pixel 3 phone for the first time. I took a photo with it. The photo was sharp, with vibrant colors and a perfect background blur. I thought: "Wow, I didn't know taking good photos was that easy now." That's the kind of experience we had in mind...

3 ways to get in shape fast (for when you’re short on time)

Looking to get in shape fast? Short on time? You're not alone. In a recent Australian study, 50% of inactive adults said that "lack of time" was a key issue (Hoare et al. 2017). Try these 3 tips to get in shape faster: Rest 20 seconds between sets. You'll do fewer...

Dr. Muscle Web App is Here!

Having access to Dr. Muscle from the Web is our #1 most requested features, so I'm super excited to bring it to you today! From the Web app, you can now: - Upload your custom program - View and analyze your exercise data - Download your history Big thanks to our beta...

Big Arms: How to Get Arms Like Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger had massive arms, 22 inches big at his peak. In his book The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, he explains how you, too, can get big arms. One of his secrets is to train them "by themselves when you are rested and strong" or "on leg days...

Dr. Muscle review (from long-term customers)

Michael McCullough, a long-term customer of Dr. Muscle, reviews the app and share his results: "I've had the app for at least two and a half years now, and I can definitely say that I've gained a significant amount of muscle. It's hard to quantify it though because I...

Cut Workout Time in Half With Supersets

A superset is when you do 2 exercises with very little rest between them. Paz et al. (2017) studied supersets. They found that supersets: Cut workout time in half Allowed lifters to do more volume than normal sets Note that they studied agonist-antagonist supersets,...

Muscle Hypertrophy: How to Progress your Training for Size

In this guide, you'll find out how to progress your training for size along the key variables of load, volume, frequency, and exercise selection. Preface: I'm honoured to publish this article as part 1 of a 3-part series on progression for hypertrophy with Dr. Mike...

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